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Chris Caton-Greasley

Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

Updated: Jan 2, 2024

"Home" is a song written and recorded by American group Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. The song is a duet between Alex Ebert and Jade Castrinos, with portions of spoken word from both. It features prominent use of whistling. In total, the song has nearly three minutes of whistling, including the opening melody. Other instruments include guitar, piano, and trumpet.

Download the lyrics and chords from Ultimate Guitar , piano score from Musescore, or purchase from Sheet Music Direct

Marah from AV Club summed this song up perfectly when she said

I love when songs seem genuine and purposeful, and though I might be skeptical about some of Sharpe and the Zeros’ hippie-dippy folksiness five years into their success, “Home” still seems spontaneous and charming, like an ode to life, love, and the pursuit of whatever kind of family you want.

Cover Version by Jo and Noah

Fun Fact: Rolling Stone listed this song in the Top 15 Whistling Songs saying "Home” opens with a chorus of whistling that serves to bring the song to its happy and campy affirmation of love that feels like home. Whistling also is a refrain and underlies spoken word portions of the song."

Official Video

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