Today's Gem Star Performance Video introduces Bobby who plays guitar and ukulele with Ste.
We received this lovely note off mum "Bobby has been practicing all day on his strumming, I think he came away a bit frustrated yesterday that he couldn't do it, but hasn't given up all day trying. Ste showing him this seems to have increased his confidence with his chords and strumming on his normal guitar and boosted his enthusiasm in general"
Absolutely what is needed. If you cannot do something don't give up or get frustrated just keep trying until you get it right. This is exactly what Bobby did and he nailed it. If you would like to book a lesson with Ste, or any of our other teachers, call us on 0161 303 9966 to book a lesson or book on this website by clicking "Book Now". Lessons online or in person - available seven days a week.
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