Today's Gem Star is Charlotte - Rose with her descant recorder. Thank you for sharing this and a 6th gemstone will be added to you jar.
The recorder used to be played in schools up and down the land but it has been usurped in many schools by the ukulele or guitar. However playing the recorder has many benefits.
A quick search will show you many reasons playing the recorder is good for our young people. Julia Jooya lists 25 great reasons to play the recorder on her site and expands upon each.
It helps develop strong lungs and breath control.
It teaches us to read music.
It helps us develop our listening skills.
It helps us develop our aural skills.
It helps to develop our eye and hand coordination
It helps develop our fine motor skills
It can help our self-confidence and self esteem
It helps develop our problem-solving skill
It helps build teamwork skills
It helps us to present our best selves in public
It helps develop our musical ear
The recorder is small and portable.
It helps develop both sides of our brain
It helps develop our grit and perseverance
It helps develop our memory
It is an affordable instrument to play
It helps develop our self-discipline
It helps develop our patience
It helps develop our respect for the Arts
It helps develop a lifelong appreciation of the Arts
It helps develop a lifelong appreciation of Music
It helps develop our respect for Music
It helps develop our communication skills
It is the right size for young musicians to learn
It gives us experience and opportunity to work as a group
Check the site out ( or full details of each reason, then come back and take advantage of all these opportunities by booking your recorder lessons for children 5 years and over.
If your son or daughter has missed out on recorder lessons at school, get in touch and book a lesson with Chris, Rob or Josie.
You can do this by calling 0161 303 9966 or clicking